
  • Summer Vegetable Fritters

    Summer Vegetable Fritters

    Did someone say fritters? Pat the Spatula is so excited to share this brand new recipe that is perfect for summer! Sneak veggies into any meal with these delicious fritters and don't forget to dollop chimichurri sauce on top! Pat the Spatula hopes you'll give this recipe a try this summer while these vegetables are in season and enjoy!

Pat Cooks

something to smile about
  • Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula

    Pat the Spatula

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    Flippin' Pat

    Flippin' Pat

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    Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula

    Loving Pat the Spatula

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  • Mini Pat the Spatula
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    Mini Pat the Spatula

    Mini Pat the Spatula

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