
  • Greek Tacos

    Greek Tacos

    Greek food and tacos, what could be better? Pat the Spatula is so excited to share this brand new recipe with you! Using Trader Joe's Gyro Slices, this recipe comes together in a snap and is perfect for any lunch or dinner! It's also versatile so you can add as many toppings as your heart desires! Pat the Spatula hopes you enjoy and adds this recipe to your taco rotation!
  • Dill Pickle Falafel Bowl

    Dill Pickle Falafel Bowl

    Pat the Spatula is so excited that Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Mini Falafels are back and has the easiest most delicious recipe to share with you! These bowls are perfect for any lunch, dinner, or picnic! This recipe comes together quickly, which is always a plus! Pat the Spatula hopes you give this recipe a whirl and enjoy!

Pat Cooks

something to smile about
  • Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula

    Pat the Spatula

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  • Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat

    Flippin' Pat

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  • Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula

    Loving Pat the Spatula

    Regular price
    Sold Out
  • Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula

    Mini Pat the Spatula

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