
  • Vegan Chickpea Shakshuka

    Vegan Chickpea Shakshuka

    Shakshuka is a healthy breakfast recipe that is popular in the Middle East and North Africa. It is a simple dish, combining tomatoes, onions, garlic spices and poached eggs. This recipe is a remake, incorporating chickpeas in lieu of poached eggs. Its flavorful and delicious! Although its traditionally a breakfast recipe, you can incorporate this into any time of the day.
  • Garbanzo Bean Croutons

    Garbanzo Bean Croutons

    Move over croutons, Pat the Spatula has a fun recipe that turns garbanzo beans into crunchy croutons. This is a recipe you will use weekly!
  • Shrimp Caesar Salad With Air Fried Chickpeas

    Shrimp Caesar Salad With Air Fried Chickpeas

    This is the perfect summer time salad. The air fried chickpeas have the perfect crunch;  I promise you won't miss croutons!

Pat Cooks

something to smile about
  • Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula

    Pat the Spatula

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  • Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat

    Flippin' Pat

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  • Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula

    Loving Pat the Spatula

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    Sold Out
  • Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula

    Mini Pat the Spatula

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