
  • Pico de Gallo

    Pico de Gallo

    Who doesn't love homemade pico de gallo salsa? Pat the Spatula sure does and is so excited to share this brand new recipe! It comes together in less than 10 minutes and you can make it as mild or spicy as you wish! Next time you are making tacos, burritos, nachos, or any other dish that needs a little something, Pat the Spatula hopes you give this recipe a try and enjoy!
  • Baked Tacos

    Baked Tacos

    Pat the Spatula thinks tacos are always a good idea and is so excited to share this new baked taco recipe with you! This recipe is so simple, versatile, and comes together quickly! Don't forget to serve with salsa crema! Pat the Spatula hopes you try this recipe next taco Tuesday or really any of the day of the week and enjoy!
  • Mexican Street Corn Totchos

    Mexican Street Corn Totchos

    Flippin' Pat is a huge fan of anything street corn and is so excited to share this new Mexican Street Corn Totchos recipe with you! It's a crispy spin on traditional nachos that is perfect for any appetizer, side, or game day! Flippin' Pat hopes you enjoy this cheesy goodness next time you want to switch up your street corn routine!
  • Peanut Salsa Chicken Enchiladas

    Peanut Salsa Chicken Enchiladas

    Have you tried Trader Joe's new Salsa de Cacahuete yet? It is so good and Pat is so excited to share this new enchilada recipe using this insanely delicious salsa! Enchiladas also make for the best leftovers so make sure you make extra! Pat hopes you try this recipe next time you're craving some cheesy goodness in your life and enjoy!
  • Crunchwrap Supremes

    Crunchwrap Supremes

    Who doesn't love a homemade version of one of Taco Bell's most popular items? Flippin' Pat loves Taco Bell and is so excited to share this new crunchwrap supreme recipe with you! It's so versatile- you can make it with any meat and add as many topping as you wish. Flippin' Pat hopes you add this recipe to your taco rotation (because who doesn't have a taco rotation?) and enjoy!
  • Green Chile Chicken Casserole

    Green Chile Chicken Casserole

    Flippin' Pat thinks it's a great idea to add this new Green Chile Chicken Casserole to your meal plan for this week! It’s loaded with flavor, cheesy, quick to put together with few ingredients and absolutely delicious! It’s really yummy served over Trader Joe's frozen brown rice, with tortillas, and the salsa cream cheese mixture makes the best sauce. Flippin' Pat hopes you enjoy!

Pat Cooks

something to smile about
  • Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula

    Pat the Spatula

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  • Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat

    Flippin' Pat

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  • Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula

    Loving Pat the Spatula

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  • Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula

    Mini Pat the Spatula

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