
  • Lemon Pistachio Orzo

    Lemon Pistachio Orzo

    Pat loves quick and easy recipes that are versatile! This new Lemon Pistachio Orzo is perfect for summer and served with your favorite chicken or salmon, dinner is made! Pat hopes you give this light and refreshing recipe a try next time you're looking for a side dish and enjoy!
  • Peanut Salsa Chicken Enchiladas

    Peanut Salsa Chicken Enchiladas

    Have you tried Trader Joe's new Salsa de Cacahuete yet? It is so good and Pat is so excited to share this new enchilada recipe using this insanely delicious salsa! Enchiladas also make for the best leftovers so make sure you make extra! Pat hopes you try this recipe next time you're craving some cheesy goodness in your life and enjoy!
  • Spicy Cashew Butter Stir Fry

    Spicy Cashew Butter Stir Fry

    Pat is a huge fan of Trader Joe's Spicy Cashew Butter Dressing and is so excited to share this brand new stir fry recipe with you! With just a few simple ingredients, lunch or dinner can be ready in a snap! Don't forget to add some spicy honey on top to make this dish extra spicy but equally delicious! Pat hopes you enjoy!
  • In a Pickle Chicken Tenders

    In a Pickle Chicken Tenders

    Have you had the chance to try Trader Joe's brand new Seasoning in a Pickle yet? It is so delicious and Pat knew this would be perfect to make chicken tenders! The zest of the seasoning and pickles combined with the crispy breadcrumbs makes this a must try! The easiest part is that you can make this in your air fryer! Pat hopes you enjoy!
  • Creamy Tomato Soup with Crispy Halloumi

    Creamy Tomato Soup with Crispy Halloumi

    Soup? In the middle of summer? Pat knows what you're probably thinking, but is so excited to share this brand new soup recipe! The absolute best part is the crispy halloumi cubes on top to give this soup the perfect touch! If you don't want to have soup in the middle of summer, Pat hopes you bookmark this for soup season! Either way, Pat hopes you enjoy!
  • Spicy Salami Pizza

    Spicy Salami Pizza

    Pat loves anything that involves pizza and is so excited to share this new Spicy Salami Pizza recipe with you! The flavor combination of sweet, spicy, and savory, this pizza has it all! Pat hopes you try this recipe on your next game day, get together, or any occasion, do you really need an excuse to eat pizza?!

Pat Cooks

kitchen collection
  • Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula
    Pat the Spatula

    Pat the Spatula

    Regular price
  • Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat
    Flippin' Pat

    Flippin' Pat

    Regular price
  • Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula
    Mini Pat the Spatula

    Mini Pat the Spatula

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  • Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula
    Loving Pat the Spatula

    Loving Pat the Spatula

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